Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Recession Proof Artist


Wait so...how is this guy any different from most of my friends? Haven't the people at the New York Times ever heard of the phrase "starving artist?" Why was this news worthy? I remember seeing this on facebook a few weeks ago and people were commenting with things like, "Omg! He's such an ~+*in$piR@ti0N*+~!!!" But why? It's called living frugally and forfeiting your comforts, something that many college students and 22-year-olds do every day. He's actually got it made because he has no loans to worry about.

The fact that this was news makes me imagine "the average American" in this economic environment being presented with extreme hardships on a day to day basis, like being forced to downgrade on their Starbucks latte or having to walk to the mailbox instead of drive due to rising gas prices. All facetiousness aside, is it really that amazing to see someone living within their means? Is this kind of life style really such an alien thing to most people? After graduating college, does one use the piece of paper that they spent four years and thousands of dollars to earn to abandon the tricks that they learned in college (budgeting, budgeting, budgeting) just because they have a fat wallet? Why should living within your means or budgeting be labeled as college culture or reserved for "the starving artist?"


  1. Like I said before, he just seems like an inspiration because he's not complaining. And what does he have to complain about? He's doing what many artists have been doing for many, many years. In actuality, most 20-something year old artists are recession proof simply because they're already living like the world is one big recession. So now that there IS a recession, anyone has never needed to budget or before are just AMAZED by anyone who can and has actually do it.

  2. Okay, I can agree with Liz on the fact that true...he's not complaining about his lifestyle while the rest of us starving artists are like, "FML" via facebook status every day.
    I do not think this was news worthy really. Unless they were just trying to make a point on the things we go through. Good point Aba about loans. I'll be payin those off until I die.
    I'm not trying to say who has it worse, because all artists struggle but there are people who are dealing with worse than he is. Most artists can't even afford their own apartment.
    I give him props for making his own bread lol. I mean...I buy bread for like a little over a dollar.
    I mean,I don't know. I'm not sure how to feel about this video. Part of me relates and part of me is like...well duh, that's how we all are.

  3. I forgot to add that I think him being in the spotlight is ridiculous.
